Cybersecurity fundamentals for your industrial networks

In today’s increasingly connected world, where the IIoT and Industry 4.0 is redefining the industrial landscape, the implementation of appropriate cyber security has become more important than ever. When a wide variety of devices used within a typical industrial control system are connected, the number of attack vectors increases and the risk of a successful cyber-attack skyrockets.

In a series of webinars, Westermo’s Cyber Security Product Manager Niklas Mörth and Network Applications Experts Dr. Jon-Olov Vatn, discuss the fundamentals of industrial cyber security as well as how to use Westermo data networking products and WeOS operating system to help you achieve a sustainable security posture, with the right balance between security and operational efficiency.

Watch the cybersecurity webinar recordings for free - no registration needed

  • Network-to-Network protection - December 5, 2018
    Best practices for using VPNs for easy network-to-network protection.
    Watch recording ➡
  • Network segmentation and segregation - February 20, 2019
    How to divide your network into different subnetworks to strengthen your security defense.
    Watch recording ➡

  • Spoofing protection and perimeter protection - April 17, 2019
    How to defend your industrial network from unsolicited requests and unauthorized devices.
    Watch recording ➡

Carl de Bruin

International sales

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